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Find a great agent that you are comfortable working with.
Step #1: Find An Agent
Your agent will set you up with a great lender to get pre-approved for a loan.
Step #2: Financials
Start searching for and touring homes.
Step #3: Home Search
Make an offer and negotiate with seller.
Step #4: Offer
Set up an inspection and plan to attend.
Step #5: Inspection
An appraisal will be set up for you.
Step #6: Appraisal
Call and set up your moving date with movers.
Step #7: Schedule Move
Attend the closing meeting, get keys and celebrate!
Step #8: Closing
Client Review:
"Dawn is a wonderful person, we found our dream home and just love it. She works with you and listens to you which is very important when searching for a new home."
Yvetta Pinkin-Miller
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